Evaluation Of E-Learning: Checklists, Criteria Catalogues Or Evaluation Concepts? On The State Of Evaluation Procedures For E-Learning Arrangements
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How to Cite

Ehlers, Ulf-Daniel. 2017. “Evaluation Of E-Learning: Checklists, Criteria Catalogues Or Evaluation Concepts? On The State Of Evaluation Procedures For E-Learning Arrangements”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 5 (Jahrbuch Medienpädagogik):13-36. https://doi.org/10.21240/mpaed/retro/2017.09.02.X.


Copyright (c) 2017 Ulf-Daniel Ehlers

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Quality in educational measures - as legitimisation or out of scientific interest - is a topic of high importance, also - and especially - in e-learning. E-learning, as a still relatively young, not completely established, but - as it turns out more and more often - cost-intensive form of education, has to face the critical question of quality again and again, mostly associated with learning success. A variety of instruments to check or develop quality, accompanying or after the fact, have been designed so far (cf. Ehlers/Pawlowski/Goertz 2003). The article gives an overview of the current state of affairs with regard to two of these procedures: on the one hand, it is about assessments based on criteria catalogues or checklists and, on the other hand, about evaluation procedures. Although in many cases more comprehensive management systems are already in use, which are intended to continuously improve the quality of providers, both procedures have an increasing importance - since management procedures also repeatedly fall back on criteria or evaluation procedures.