How to experience Open Educational Practices – the role of Podcasts in documentary and reflective processes of universary projects
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Higher Education

How to Cite

Reder, Constanze, and Bence Lukács. 2018. “How to Experience Open Educational Practices – the Role of Podcasts in Documentary and Reflective Processes of Universary Projects”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 32 (Offenheit in Lehre und Forschung):17-27.


Copyright (c) 2018 Constanze Reder, Bence Lukács

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


This paper deals with the question of how reflection as part of academic media literacy can be addressed at universities. An example of this is a practical project, where students in labs come into contact with Open Educational Resources (OER), but above all with Open Educational Practices (OEP) and open teaching material. There is also focus on other relevant university actors, which together with the students discuss how not only OER, but more importantly OEP in general can be established at the university, in order to facilitate access to open education for lecturers and learners alike. On the basis of this practical experience, the article outlines the projects podcast that works as an instrument of documentation and also as a channel, wherein project staff at both universities, as well as other university stakeholder can openly reflect their experiences. The question addressed relates to which project elements can be supported with a reflective approach regarding open-learning and -teaching practice at the university, and how Open Educational Practices can be more than content for lectures, and instead sustainably be implemented as part of developmental higher education projects.


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