Openness in Higher Education:
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Higher Education
Open Science
research-based learning

How to Cite

Heck, Tamara, and Anna Heudorfer. 2018. “Openness in Higher Education:: Potentials for Open Educational Practices in Research-Based Learning Concepts”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 32 (Offenheit in Lehre und Forschung):72-95.


Copyright (c) 2018 Tamara Heck, Anna Heudorfer

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


This article describes the commonalities of open educational practices (OEP) and research-based learning. Both concepts focus on the learners' high activity (self-regulated learning) as well as collaborative aspects (social learning). Research-based Learning aims to base education on the principles of research and to let students experience what it means to practice research. Open educational practices are discussed within the principles of open education and at the same time refer to practices in open science. Assuming that students are supposed to become part of the science system by Research-based Learning the process of opening science affects them as well. We will discuss the term ‹openness› from different perspectives and investigate how we can integrate aspects of open educational practices into concepts of research-based learning. We propose a matrix to compare and evaluate openness in research-based learning based on characteristics of open educational practices. We as well discuss its relevance for open science. The integration of open educational practices into research-based learning concepts gives first insights on how open education impacts and contributes to the teaching and learning of research literacies for future scientists.


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