The Flipped Classroom approach as engine for OER?
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Open Educational Resources
Higher Education
Teacher Training
Flipped Classroom

How to Cite

Buchner, Josef, and Elke Höfler. 2020. “The Flipped Classroom Approach As Engine for OER? An Analysis of the German-Speaking Teaching Community”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 34 (Research and OER):67-88.


Copyright (c) 2020 Josef Buchner, Elke Höfler

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Open Educational Resources and the Flipped Classroom approach are two concepts that are actually very present in the discussion about education and educational change. In social networks, like the Twitter community Bildungspunks, ideas and materials are shared and exchanged. In this research it is analysed, if Flipped Classroom practitioners differ from non-practitioners regarding their attitude to OER. The analysed data reveals that teachers, who use the Flipped Classroom approach, are more willing to create and share their resources with the teaching community.


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