Systematic Literature Review on Open Educational Practices (OEP) in Higher Education in the European research area
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Literature review
Open Educational Practices
Higher Education

How to Cite

Bellinger, Franziska, and Kerstin Mayrberger. 2019. “Systematic Literature Review on Open Educational Practices (OEP) in Higher Education in the European Research Area”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 34 (Research and OER):19-46.


Copyright (c) 2019 Franziska Bellinger, Kerstin Mayrberger

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Despite a proven link Open Educational Practices (OEP) appear to be still relatively underrepresented in relation to Open Educational Resources (OER) in the debate on Openness in the educational context. Thus, it follows the assumption that it seems necessary from a theoretical, empirical and discursive perspective for a culture of sharing and to further sensitise an open education in the sense of Open Pedagogy, which manifests itself in variations of OEP. Due to the importance of OEP for the current transformation process in the context of higher education under the conditions of digitisation, the article provides a systematic overview of research on OEP. Thereby, an orientation takes place along the overreaching question in which contexts and with which questions OEP are researched in higher education and which understanding is hereby inherent. The result of the Literature Review shows that the research work addresses a varied understanding of OEP. Four dimensions of an OEP can be identified in the context of Openness, depending on how the relationship between the practices of the subjects and the practice is taken in each case. The contribution therefore advocates a conceptual sharpening of OEP in the specific context of use. The authors force a practical theoretical perspective. It is argued, that a practical theoretical approach enables to theoretically substantiate and empirically investigate Open Educational Practices for the context of higher education, in order to make a contribution to contemporary media didactics and media education.


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