Weblogs in Higher Education. Opportunities and Challenges
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Higher Education
Media Didactics
Literature Review

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Totter, Alexandra. 2018. “Weblogs in Higher Education. Opportunities and Challenges: A Systematic Literature Analysis of Mandatory and Voluntary Student Blogging”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 2018 (Occasional Papers):81-117. https://doi.org/10.21240/mpaed/00/2018.12.30.X.


Copyright (c) 2018 Alexandra Totter

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Nowadays, weblogs are an established tool in higher education, and are being utilized in a wide field of applications. At the same time, one can find numerous empirical studies investigating student blogging in higher education. The aim of this literature review is to systematically investigate mandatory and voluntary student blogging in higher education. This paper considers the question of whether empirical studies discuss obligatory and voluntary student blogging and which opportunities and challenges arise in the context of the different use. Towards this goal, the content of the selected articles will be analysed using an inductive category system. Challenges and opportunities of the respective blog use are pointed out and practical implications are summarized. Student blogging is further characterised by formal elements involved in the blogging activities and in the respective study curriculum. Finally, the challenges and opportunities of blogging will be compared, and the theoretical framing of the student blogging, as this occurs in the original empirical studies will be discussed in a media didactic context.



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