Understanding Online Media Literacy in Diverse Society


media literacy
online media
digital media
diverse society

How to Cite

Widyasari, Wulan, and Heidrun Allert. 2019. “Understanding Online Media Literacy in Diverse Society: Criticism of #Siberkreasi Movement in Indonesia”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 2019 (Occasional Papers):101-25. https://doi.org/10.21240/mpaed/00/2019.11.23.X.


Copyright (c) 2019 Wulan Widyasari, Heidrun Allert

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


The number of misinformation cases in online media made the Indonesian government along with volunteers to form a national media literacy movement, named #SiBerkreasi. However, the understanding of media literacy by the #SiBerkreasi movement is still limited to the application of rules and not literacy. Using a literature review, this paper criticizes #SiBerkreasi as a media literacy movement in Indonesia. The analysis starts by critiquing the understanding of media literacy in Indonesia looking at the context of Indonesian diverse society. The results show that media literacy in Indonesia is still understood from a positivism point of view where literacy teaches only what is positive and what is negative. As a result, #SiBerkreasi movement does not even touch the critical area of how media literacy should be understood in a diverse society. Beyond the #SiBerkreasi case, this work considers the role of social context and society in creating information.



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