Learning through videos – Empirical findings on the design of explanatory videos
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Instructional explanations
Explanatory videos
Media didactics

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Findeisen, Stefanie, Sebastian Horn, and Jürgen Seifried. 2019. “Learning through Videos – Empirical Findings on the Design of Explanatory Videos”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 2019 (Occasional Papers):16-36. https://doi.org/10.21240/mpaed/00/2019.10.01.X.


Copyright (c) 2019 Stefanie Findeisen, Sebastian Horn, Jürgen Seifried

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Explanatory videos are becoming increasingly important in both private learning efforts and instruction in school. Empirical findings suggest positive effects of explanatory videos on learning success as well as on non-cognitive factors (e.g. motivation, engagement). This applies to both the reception and the production of video explanations. In addition, empirical studies are increasingly concerned with the investigation of various design elements of explanatory videos (e.g. interactivity, characteristics of the instructor). The aim of this article is to systematize existing empirical findings on various design elements. For this purpose, 24 studies that deal with the effects of individual design elements will be reviewed. Based on these findings, design recommendations for explanatory videos are derived. It is shown that in particular the use of interactive elements is important for learning success. In addition, the video perspective (the decision whether to show the video from the perspective of the person explaining or the person observing the model) as well as the design (e.g. aesthetics) have a significant effect on learning success. With regard to the instructor, only the age seems to be significant – not the gender or the visibility in the explanatory video.



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