Digital competencies and linguistic actions
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Language Studies
Media acivities

How to Cite

Stumpf, Sarah. 2019. “Digital Competencies and Linguistic Actions: Requirements Concerning Competencies in a Digitized Society”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 36 (Teilhabe):107-16.


Copyright (c) 2019 Sarah Stumpf

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


The ongoing digitalization of society contributes to the fact, that participation is no longer limited to a so called «analogous life». The rise of social networks as part of everyday life and the web 2.0 have created spaces of mutual exchange as well as the possibility to cultivate social bonds and peer groups. In relation to these technological developments society simultaneously faces new ways to communicate and interact. Therefore, requirements regarding linguistic competences are changing as well. Hence, it is necessary to consider linguistic competences when dealing with digital competences. This paper aims to describe the relation between digital and linguistic competences. Furthermore, it seeks to illustrate a model of linguistic actions, which responds to those developing requirements concerning competences in a digitized society. Medial and linguistic actions share a direct connection. As a result, the acquisition of digital competences has to include a linguistic perspective.


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