Stay focused
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Didaktik der Informatik

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Wolf, Paul, Steve Sydow, Jöran Pieper, and Stefan Friedenberg. 2020. “Stay Focused: An Eye-Tracking Study on Reading Computer Network Graphics”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 2020 (Occasional Papers):86-108.


Copyright (c) 2020 Paul Wolf, Steve Sydow, Jöran Pieper, Stefan Friedenberg

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Is it enough for educators to spend time and energy, creating high-quality teaching and learning materials, or should educators also spend (more) time teaching students how to effectively and efficiently read and view these materials? Can students be expected to bring these skills with them anyway? This question was investigated in a qualitative eye-tracking study with novices and experts using a computer network graphic as an example. With the help of a self-developed tool for the generation of Areas-of-Interest sequence charts, the obtained measurement results got evaluated. The results showed apparent differences concerning the approaches. Not only the procedure but also the information acquisition differed significantly. In the following, we present the study, its theoretical background, obtained results, as well as a self-developed analysis tool for eye-tracking studies.


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