Persuasion and the Change of Behavioral Determinants by means of Narrative Videos with Synchronous Explanations
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Narrative Persuasion
Narrative Engagement

How to Cite

Sick, Christina. 2020. “Persuasion and the Change of Behavioral Determinants by Means of Narrative Videos With Synchronous Explanations”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 17 (Jahrbuch Medienpädagogik):245-71.


Copyright (c) 2020 Christina Sick

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Attitudes are a dimension of competencies, but are hardly addressed in educational processes. ‹Edutainment› is particularly successful in purposeful changing attitudes through means of (media) communication (‹persuasion›). While argument-based persuasion requires intensive examination of the information and arguments (‹elaboration›), persuasion with stories relies on recipients adapting the demonstrated behavior and attitudes through identification with the characters and the experience of being immersed in the story. In practice, edutainment often combines narrative films with explicit information or arguments. As these are different mechanisms, this experiential study aims at clarifying, how information with ‹hybrid› content format, i.e. a story with parallel arguments, affects attitudes and other behavioral determinants. The study examines (1) the persuasive effectiveness of the hybrid format in contrast to a purely narrative one and (2) the persuasion mechanisms by testing modells of narrative persuasion for the first time on information with hybrid content format. The results show that the hybrid format has a significantly higher persuasive effect, especially in the areas covered by the parallel explanations, and that participants with worse cognitive condition (e.g. low attention, little interest, …) particularly benefit from the hybrid format. The findings concerning the persuasion mechanisms of the synchrounously hybrid format give valuable hints for further development of theory in this field. Yet there is still need for research concerning the complex role of resistance and social pressure in the persuasion process.


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