Learning support with digital teaching materials
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Böhme, Richard, and Meike Munser-Kiefer. 2020. “Learning Support With Digital Teaching Materials: Interdisciplinary Findings and Developmental Perspectives”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 17 (Jahrbuch Medienpädagogik):427-54. https://doi.org/10.21240/mpaed/jb17/2020.05.17.X.


Copyright (c) 2020 Richard Böhme, Meike Munser-Kiefer

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Digital media is supposed to have great potential for learning support, which has not been fully exploited so far. This article provides an insight into the current state of research on the differential effects of media design: We describe specific aspects of design in multimedia, hypermedia and educational game-based arrangements and report possible influence on the cognitive processing and learning outcomes underpinned by results of empirical research. Additionally, we describe Intelligent Tutoring Systems as a means of optimizing learning processes in these different types of digital media design in the classroom. For this purpose, according to the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning, we differentiate between (1) extraneous, (2) essential and (3) generative cognitive processes. With regard to the prerequisites for learning, the learning content and the learning objective, we show a complex set of conditions, in which learning can be optimized through targeted modifications to the digital medium.



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