Pedagogical and didactical challenges in the development of digital learning environments for lab-based teaching
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Didactical Concepts
Engineering Sciences
Lab-based Learning
Self-directed Learning
Collaborative Learning
Mixed Reality
Design-Based Research
Learning Analytics
Open Badges

How to Cite

Schepkowski, David, Martin Burghardt, and Peter Ferdinand. 2020. “Pedagogical and Didactical Challenges in the Development of Digital Learning Environments for Lab-Based Teaching: Using the Example of the ’DigiLab4You’ Project”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 17 (Jahrbuch Medienpädagogik):347-72.


Copyright (c) 2020 David Schepkowski, Martin Burghardt, Dr. Peter Ferdinand

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


The progressing digitalization of university teaching provides teachers and educational researchers with new opportunities and challenges in the design of didactic concepts and learning environments. The project «Open Digital Lab 4 You» focuses on laboratories as places for experimenting, collaborating and testing practical skills within the framework of hybrid learning spaces in engineering sciences. This BMBF-funded collaborative project follows a design-based research approach and combines research questions from the fields of pedagogy and didactics with technical research questions in the context of the development of a hybrid teaching-learning environment. This results in a number of specific challenges: the lack of social presence, the attitude towards and acceptance of technologies and the advantages and disadvantages of mixed reality. The user prerequisites and the decisions based on them, as formulated by the Berlin Model, play an important role in the development of a learning environment. The presented article is intended to give an overview of the project and an excerpt from the theoretical foundations and raise awareness of the aforementioned challenges, so others can keep them in mind when planning a similar project.


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