Learning with Immersive Virtual Reality: Instructional Design and Lessons Learned
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Virtual Reality

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Buchner, Josef, and Diane Aretz. 2020. “Learning With Immersive Virtual Reality: Instructional Design and Lessons Learned”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 17 (Jahrbuch Medienpädagogik):195-216. https://doi.org/10.21240/mpaed/jb17/2020.05.01.X.


Copyright (c) 2020 Josef Buchner, Diane Aretz

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In this paper a didactic framework for the use of mobile immersive virtual reality is presented. It was tested in May 2019 at a German primary school. The pupils assembled and tested cardboard VR glasses themselves and then used them to learn a topic from social studies and science. The theoretical basis for the learning arrangement is the Generative Learning Theory. This provides for the learners to carry out learning activities during their involvement with a medium. We have added communicative and collaborative elements to this approach so that the children worked together in pairs on the tasks. A phase of «seeing in the virtual world» was always followed by a phase of social exchange with the partner. Written and visual summaries were recorded in a «team booklet. After the learning event, the information obtained was discussed together in class and the students‘ own ideas for VR tasks were presented. On the next school day there was also a reflection on the medium VR. Lessons Learned as well as recommendations for future use summarize the contribution.



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