1000 Teachers trained: Computational Thinking as mandatory Education of Preservice Elementary School Teachers in Switzerland
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Computational Thinking
Hicher Education
Teacher Training

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Repenning, Alexander, Nora Anna Escherle, and Anna Lamprou. 2020. “1000 Teachers Trained: Computational Thinking As Mandatory Education of Preservice Elementary School Teachers in Switzerland”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 17 (Jahrbuch Medienpädagogik):595-616. https://doi.org/10.21240/mpaed/jb17/2020.05.23.X.


Copyright (c) 2020 Alexander Repenning, Nora Anna Escherle, Anna Lamprou

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


The mandatory implementation of the Swiss national curriculum, the "Lehrplan 21" including computer science education, raises an important question: How can a course overcome common negative dispositions of elementary school preservice teachers towards computer science? In 2017 the School of Education FHNW (PH FHNW) introduced a Scalable Game Design-based module consisting of a science course followed by a didactics course. This module is mandatory for all elementary school pre-service teachers. To assess the efficacy of this module an instrument consisting of a 14 questions questionnaire was used to compute effect sizes. In the first two cohorts about 1000 teachers were trained in four states in Switzerland. Initially, Scalable Game Design was developed for the professional development of in-service teachers in the US. The goal of this research is to explore if the core concept of Scalable Game Design – acquiring Computational Thinking through the design of games and simulations – could be effectively transferred from in-service teacher development to pre-service teacher education.



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