‹Big Data› from the perspective of computer science education and media pedagogy
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Big Data
Data Science Education
Big Data in der Medienpädagogik
Big Data im Informatikunterricht

How to Cite

Magenheim, Johannes. 2020. “‹Big Data› from the Perspective of Computer Science Education and Media Pedagogy: Education in a Datified Society”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 37 (Medienpädagogik als Schlüsseld):139-63. https://doi.org/10.21240/mpaed/37/2020.07.08.X.


Copyright (c) 2020 Johannes Magenheim

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


The ubiquitous presence of information and communication technologies in many areas of society is accompanied by the generation of large amounts of data. This ‹Big Data› is often unstructured, distributed over many sources, partly incomplete and mostly not linked with each other. Different interest groups can evaluate them for specific purposes. The associated social impact can be seen on a social, economic, political, ethical, and cultural level. Digital media and Informatic Systems play an essential role in the generation, processing, and use of ‹Big Data›. For example, ‹Social Media› have high relevance to the everyday life of young people. Therefore, ‹Big Data› also pose a significant educational challenge for Media Pedagogy and Computer Science Education. The article deals with the social effects of ‹Big Data› and tries to reveal which tasks arise for media pedagogy and computer science education. Joint, complementing, and specific tasks for both educational fields are pointed out, and the necessity of an interdisciplinary multi-perspective view of ‹Big Data› in education is justified. Several suitable software tools are available for such learning and teaching, which can be used in computer science lessons, in other subjects or interdisciplinary projects.



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