Teachers in training: Their opinions about the digitization of the educational system and the potential teaching subjects programming and entrepreneurship
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Teachers in training
teaching subjects

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König, Lars. 2020. “Teachers in Training: Their Opinions about the Digitization of the Educational System and the Potential Teaching Subjects Programming and Entrepreneurship”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 2020 (Occasional Papers):68-85. https://doi.org/10.21240/mpaed/00/2020.05.11.X.


Copyright (c) 2020 Lars König

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


The digitization of the educational system as well as the potential teaching subjects programming and entrepreneurship are in focus in current educational debates. Whilst different positions towards this manner are represented, there has not been paid a lot of attention towards the opinions of future teachers who are still in training. This paper outlines the results of an explorative survey in which teachers in training gave their opinion. One of the main results is that teachers in training seem to have a rather skeptical view on the potential teaching subjects programming and entrepreneurship: The majority beliefs that the acquisition of entrepreneurial skills as well as the learning of a programming language should not be predominant tasks of the educational system. Furthermore, the majority beliefs that both subjects should not be equal to major subjects (mathematics, languages, etc.) and should not be obligatory in neither primary schools nor high schools nor collegiate. Although the majority of teachers in training beliefs that the digitization is going to improve the quality of the educational system, they also state that it will not equalize chances within the educational system. Moreover, the majority declares to neither deal sufficiently with the impacts of the digitization on the educational system at university nor in their private leisure time. Furthermore, the majority acknowledges that they are neither adequately informed about nor prepared for the impacts of the digitization on the educational system.



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