Still happy despite the precariat?
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Emerging Researchers

How to Cite

Bellinger, Franziska, Ricarda Bolten, Nina Grünberger, and Wolfgang B. Ruge. 2019. “Still Happy Despite the Precariat? Another Survey on the Situation of Emerging Researchers in Media Education”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 2019 (Occasional Papers):174-92.


Copyright (c) 2019 Franziska Bellinger, Ricarda Bolten, Nina Grünberger, Wolfgang B. Ruge

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


The 2016 published results by Dander et al. on the situation of «emerging researchers» in media education sensitised for an increasing precarisation of the employment conditions in Germany, which also extends to the private context. The colleagues sued to point out problems scholars are facing and reflect them within their own discipline. Four years after the first survey, a new questionnaire survey was conducted on the situation of scholars in media education, which should provide a basis for comparison with the 2014 survey. In addition to the topics a) satisfaction with working and employment conditions, b) satisfaction with the care situation and c) work-life balance, attention is also paid here to the aspects d) internationalization and networking. The results indicate that the satisfaction has declined slightly compared to four years ago, although more time is being devoted to the work on the qualification within their employment contracts. The lack of predictability of the career and lack of occupational safety is still one of the most problematic aspects for scholars in German-speaking media education.


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