Television As A Mother Of Sorrow - Counselling Services For Children
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How to Cite

Fleischer, Sandra. 2007. “Television As A Mother Of Sorrow - Counselling Services For Children”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 13 (Kinderfernsehen):1-14.


Copyright (c) 2007 Sandra Fleischer

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Several broadcasters are courting viewers with promises of advice and ominous life-saving tips. The super nanny, dog mummy, housewife fairy - they all know how to do things better and are happy to give "advice". Away from pseudo-advice shows, tarot cards and aroma stick therapy, ­KI.KA has been offering explicit advice for children since 2003. The project is carried out by KI.KA in cooperation with Nummer gegen Kummer and the BZgA. The KI.KA "Kummerkasten" is the first interactive counselling service for children from the age of 7 on German television, but not the first media ­counselling service for children in the history of television. The following article refers to research results which I compiled within the framework of my doctoral project.