Great expectations: the role of attitudes in the use and distribution of Open Educational Resources
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Open Educational Resources
Open Educational Practices
Open Pedagogy
Opennesss Movement
Open Learning

How to Cite

Otto, Daniel. 2020. “Great Expectations: The Role of Attitudes in the Use and Distribution of Open Educational Resources”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 2020 (Occasional Papers):21-43.


Copyright (c) 2020 Daniel Otto

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Open Educational Resources (OER) are a prominent topic of the educational discourse. OER is understood as facilitating participatory and collaborative learning scenarios and to promote and support open education and educational justice. Nevertheless, the adoption of OER in education has so far been episodic rather than systematic. Based on the concept of attitudes, this paper seeks an empirical approach to the role of attitudes in the adoption of OER. Built on a survey-based explorative approach, an attempt was made to map the determining components of attitudes across educational sectors. The results demonstrate that attitudes are not the central obstacle to the use of OER. However, it can be stated that both intention and behaviour exist only within a broader OER community, which associates strong emotions and beliefs with the core ideas and added values of OER. Following this argument, the frequently demanded dismantling of structural barriers is a necessary but by no means sufficient cause to increase the adoption of OER. In this respect, it is advisable to perceive OER not as a normative element of an openness movement, but as a (partial) answer to a broader challenge of teaching and learning in the digital world.


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