Digitization in University Teaching
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Higher Education
Media didactics

How to Cite

Beckmann, Astrid. 2020. “Digitization in University Teaching: Experiences With the MathEdu Digital Teaching Concept and Students’ Acceptance of Digital Teaching Elements”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 2020 (Occasional Papers):1-20. https://doi.org/10.21240/mpaed/00/2020.02.24.X.


Copyright (c) 2020 Astrid Beckmann

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


When it comes to the digitization of university teaching, there is no shortage of available options, approaches, and tools. Based on the research literature a total of five different approaches is identified: mobile technologies, online course programs, learning objects and digital libraries (repositories), technological environments for collaborative learning, and digitized teaching concepts. In the MathEdu Digital project at the University of Education Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany, digital approaches and tools are subject to critical analysis and testing as part of a specially developed teaching concept, which is based on experiences and student surveys initially before becoming methodical and empirical. The objective is to structure the math-didactical teaching so that the students gain versatile digital experiences, while at the same time, there's a focus on the identification and elimination of barriers for university teachers also/especially for those of having few digital experience. Based on the findings, as a basic concept, the blended learning format featuring digital and non-digital elements and the use of a learning management system with a well-maintained digital library including learning objects can both be classed as suitable methods. Video demos and webinars also come highly recommended, with the various integrated functions of the latter providing a particular boost to communication and interaction. For a smooth webinar planning, the use of a «direction plan», a prepared spreadsheet, has been successfully proven and tested, which is attached to this paper.



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