Subject-oriented software development as a challenge for media education
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Digital Humanities
musical notations

How to Cite

Burgfeld-Meise, Bianca, Dorothee M. Meister, and Björn Senft. 2020. “Subject-Oriented Software Development As a Challenge for Media Education: Interdisciplinary Approaches in the Digital Humanities”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 39 (Orientierungen):86-102.


Copyright (c) 2020 Bianca Burgfeld-Meise, Dorothee M. Meister, Björn Senft

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Complex questions are currently discussed in the field of Digital Humanities. This does not only concern the cultural side of humanities but also the digital representation of cultural artefacts their processing, analysis and long-term availability. To handle all these facets, interdisciplinary collaboration is required. Software development in digital humanities is one aspect within this discipline. Highly specialized software is developed for scientific research. This introduces an uncertain element when designing the software: the user group is characterised by expertise and their knowledge is therefore often implicit. Research with digital data in a digital environment being different from traditional research and its continual advancement increase the complexity even further. These issues have to be recognized by all participating research disciplines with DH context in order to make research contributions. The article discusses these topics using the interdisciplinary project work of media studies and computer science for software support of digital music editing and thus handling of textual and non-textual data. The method of researching the perspective and needs of the subjects and converting them to requirements are the focus of this discussion.


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