Education at the interface of cultural practice and cultural technology
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digitale Kultur

How to Cite

Richter, Christoph, and Heidrun Allert. 2020. “Education at the Interface of Cultural Practice and Cultural Technology”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 39 (Orientierungen):13-31.


Copyright (c) 2020 Christoph Richter, Heidrun Allert

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


This article develops a (media)educational framework that is based on the genesis of technology as a process rather than on digital technologies as a product. The process of digitalization is understood as a performative process of discretized, abstracted, and formalized description of cultural practice. This allows to identify and reflect the genuine impact of digital technologies on educational processes. The framework reveals the fundamental tension between the underlying assumption of practice as describable and the inevitable complexity and contingency of cultural practice. The perspective thus goes beyond the analysis of digital technologies as it reflects the cultural practices and its operational forms.


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