Understanding Digital Media
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Online Ethnography
Structural Analysis
Media Literacy
Online Research

How to Cite

Verständig, Dan, and Jens Holze. 2020. “Understanding Digital Media: 10 Theses on Ethnographic Methods With Regard to Online Research”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 15 (Jahrbuch Medienpädagogik):121-45. https://doi.org/10.21240/mpaed/jb15/2020.03.06.X.


Copyright (c) 2020 Dan Verständig, Jens Holze

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Based on the fact that the digital media are constitutive for social and cultural spaces, the contribution establishes two theses on educational online research. On the one hand, the importance of online ethnographic research in the horizon of digital mediality is discussed, which, as a methodology, enables a view of the formal structures of digital media and their cultural and social frameworks. On the other hand, the handling of digital data requires a methodological and methodological reflexivity with regard to their structural embedding and nature. This thesis specifically adresses the question of how to deal with technological infrastructures, and how to think about not only data, but also digital methods for educational science. Both theses are interrelated, where the point is to make the entanglements visible and to plead for a reflexive use of digital data, methods and methodologies.



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