Requirements For Teacher Training On The Basis Of Experiences In Model Experiments On Media Education
Extern: Springerlink (Deutsch)

How to Cite

Spanhel, Dieter. 2001. “Requirements For Teacher Training On The Basis Of Experiences In Model Experiments On Media Education”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 1 (Jahrbuch Medienpädagogik):135-52.



Model experiments on media education in schools can provide a good foundation for the discussion of the connection between new media and tasks in teacher training if they are openly designed in the form of development projects. Then they provide insights and experiences about how teachers approach the new tasks and requirements, where they have difficulties, what creative solutions they find, what tasks they avoid or reject. Model experiments can reveal which special skills are required and used by teachers and which skills are insufficiently trained or not trained at all. Finally, they also make it possible to gain experience with regard to which of the missing knowledge or skills can be remedied within the framework of accompanying further training or which basic attitudes, attitudes or insights or skills that are not so easy to impart impair successful media education.