With Computers In Primary School
Extern: Springerlink (Deutsch)

How to Cite

Moser, Heinz. 2001. “With Computers In Primary School: An Evaluation Report”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 1 (Jahrbuch Medienpädagogik):235-62. https://www.medienpaed.com/article/view/890.



Computers are now accepted as a subject of learning at school - at least in the higher grades. Last but not least, the Internet and the assumption that the "digital revolution" would strongly shape the lives of the growing generations had a strong effect on education policy. Bill Clinton, for example, set a marker in his government declaration of 5 February 1997 that every classroom and every library in the USA should be connected to the internet by the year 2000. Initiatives such as "Schools on the Net" in Germany prove that this message has now also reached Europe.