Media And Emotions. A Neglected Dimension In Media Education
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Luca, Renate. 2001. “Media And Emotions. A Neglected Dimension In Media Education”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 1 (Jahrbuch Medienpädagogik):337-49.



In socialisation research, the child appears predominantly as "homo intellectus" (Mertens 1980 p. 669). Mertens (ibid.) speaks of an "academically scientificised child and adolescent" of previous socialisation research. In relation to media socialisation, such a view falls short. Saxer (1988) emphasises this in the anthology of the journal "Publizistik" on the topic of "Socialisation and Mass Media", in which he formulates as one of the six essential dimensions of socialisation to and through media communication: "Emotional socialisation through mass media proves to be more lasting than cognitive" (Saxer 1988, p. 214). Saxer does not elaborate on what he means by emotional socialisation. He merely contrasts it with cognitive. This puts the focus on the emotional experience of media use, which is only in part a conscious process for the recipients, entirely in the sense of Adorno, according to whom the material of the media speculates on the unconscious.