Drawings As A Survey Instrument In Qualitative Reception Research
Extern: Springerlink (Deutsch)

How to Cite

Neuß, Norbert. 2001. “Drawings As A Survey Instrument In Qualitative Reception Research”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 1 (Jahrbuch Medienpädagogik):363-83. https://www.medienpaed.com/article/view/897.



This article deals with the possibilities1 of assessing the ways in which preschool children process and represent media content. This is an object of study that in principle eludes observation as a possibility of cognition. The processes taking place in consciousness can only be objectified and communicated through translation. This study therefore differs from those that analyse media experiences within social interaction and communication by means of observational studies2 . In such studies, it is difficult to isolate the individual part of media appropriation from the part triggered by interaction with other children. While these studies tend to focus on media action and social media communication, the approach presented here refers to individual media communication3 and parasocial interaction4. In order to investigate the individual processes of perception and memory, a methodology must be chosen that operationalises the questions of subjectivity, individuality and visuality of media memory.5 The basic thesis of this article is that the complexity and otherness of the visual impression must be countered with a methodological toolkit that is not exclusively language-oriented, but can nevertheless be traced back to a dermemeutic process of understanding.