Media Education Training And Professionalisation
Extern: Springerlink (Deutsch)

How to Cite

Hugger, Kai-Uwe. 2007. “Media Education Training And Professionalisation”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 6 (Jahrbuch Medienpädagogik):262-82.



According to (20052:50), education in modern societies is an increasingly paradoxical social practice. On the one hand, it has "claims to control and shape", it assumes the predictability of the results of its actions and is linked to the "claim to review, to control the success of its actions". On the other hand, for various reasons, education presupposes the "self-activity, autonomy and freedom, and thus the non-accessibility, non-controllability and non-predictability" of the people it addresses. With this structural contradictoriness of education, the two authors refer to a diagnosis that has found broad resonance and recognition in the educational science debate of recent years. It focuses on the concept of uncertainty or not knowing as a side of knowledge that has not been taken into account so far (cf. for example Combe/Helsper 1996a;Helsper/Hörster/Kade 20052a). The central question is how (professional) pedagogical action that takes place under the sign of uncertainty is at all possible and can be reflected. This educational and social science debate is the starting point for me to address in the following pages what role uncertainty plays in media pedagogical action, i.e.: What forms of handling has media pedagogy - as a sub-discipline of educational science - developed to deal with uncertainty?