Theory Of Media Education
Extern: Springerlink (Deutsch)

How to Cite

Meder, Norbert. 2007. “Theory Of Media Education: Self-Conception and Definition of Media Education”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 6 (Jahrbuch Medienpädagogik):55-73.



None of the fields of educational practice and none of its sub-disciplines have become as central to social demands in recent years as media education. Press, film, television, internet, e-commerce, e-learning, e-science and much more dominate social life. Much research has been done in the field of media socialisation and education, but unlike in social pedagogy for the past 25 years, no attempt has been made to develop an independent theory of media pedagogy that can organise all the diverse research results and bring them into a systematic context. This does not mean that there is no theory discourse in media education. There are many theoretical discourses in which educationalists are also successfully involved. For example, the sociological-pedagogical discourse in the field of youth research, the discourse in leisure education, which is also interdisciplinary, the discourse on media cultures in the context of cultural studies and others. But the attempt at an independent theory of media education - with indigenous terms, so to speak - seems to me not to have been undertaken yet.