Web 2.0 As An Educational Challenge
Extern: Springerlink (Deutsch)

How to Cite

Röll, Franz Josef. 2010. “Web 2.0 As An Educational Challenge”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 8 (Jahrbuch Medienpädagogik):201-20. https://www.medienpaed.com/article/view/944.



Web 2.0 applications are characterised by a continuous dynamic. Characteristic of this development is the participation of users and the permanent exchange of those involved. New forms of participation, involvement and co-determination are crystallising. Characteristic of this movement is an ethic of cooperation. Collectively, resources are tapped, competences and potentials are made available. It is a mutual support system based on a hedonistic interest. Cooperation takes place within the framework of common affairs. Web 2.0 promotes the tendency for users to find people with the same interests and/or intentions. These are relationships based on the principle of exchange, where participation is voluntary and a person orientation prevails.