Wikis And Weblogs At School
Extern: Springerlink (Deutsch)

How to Cite

Paus-Hasebrink, Ingrid, Tanja Jadin, Christine W. Wijnen, and Anja Wiesner. 2010. “Wikis And Weblogs At School: Experiences With an Austrian Pilot Project”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 8 (Jahrbuch Medienpädagogik):273-88.



Children grow up in mediatised environments; thus, their handling of technical innovations and converging media environments represents a significant challenge and (developmental) task for themselves, their parents, but also for schools. In particular, the Internet and, increasingly, Web 2.0 applications have become an integral part of the everyday lives of today's children and young people. Schools, in particular, will have to increasingly deal with how they can promote the competence of self-directed learning in pupils in order to help them deal adequately with the demands of working life (cf. Meister 2004: 487). Using new media developments, such as Web 2.0 with its many forms of application, including weblog and wiki, also in the context of learning processes can offer a number of advantages and help children to learn to deal with (new) media developments independently (cf. ibid.). According to Kerres/Nattland (cf. 2007: 52), this can be realised above all in the context of an active and social learning environment.