Promoting Professional Teaching Skills With Digital Media
Extern: Springerlink (Deutsch)

How to Cite

Vohle, Frank, and Gabi Reinmann. 2012. “Promoting Professional Teaching Skills With Digital Media: Learning to Teach Through Video Annotation”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 9 (Jahrbuch Medienpädagogik):413-29.



The article first gives a brief overview of the German-language discussion on video-based initial and in-service teacher training (section 1). Building on this, video annotation, an online-based enrichment of video material, is the central focus of attention, as this approach is seen to have a wide range of didactic potentials for promoting teaching competence. Using examples from outside of school (trainer training and driving instructor training), we will illustrate how timestamp-based video annotation can be used to support reflection and collaboration processes; in our view, the same applies to initial and continuing teacher training (section 2). The aspect of video annotation is then expanded into situated, visual patterns and embedded in the current discussion of didactic design patterns. As a result, the idea is explained and visualised of how planning and reflection processes on teaching - from lesson preparation to situated practice to lesson follow-up - can be linked in a media-didactic way to form a "holistic approach" (section 3). The last section takes up the research strategy of design-based research on which the research project is based. This draws attention to the specific prerequisites and goals of a still young type of research - development research - which deviates from the established standards of implementation or evaluation research, which is also reflected in the structure of the article (section 4).