Theory Generation With Feature Films
Extern: Springerlink (Deutsch)

How to Cite

Ruge, Wolfgang B., and Christopher Könitz. 2014. “Theory Generation With Feature Films: A Plea for the Connection of Neoformalism and Grounded Theory”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 10 (Jahrbuch Medienpädagogik):131-54.



This article develops a methodological approach for theory-based research on the basis of media analyses. The authors argue for a combination of grounded theory and neoformalist film analysis. After a brief sketch of the two methods, the "epistemological harmony" of the two methods that makes a combination possible is first worked out on a methodological level of argumentation. This is followed by an exemplary coding of a sequence from the film "2046" to illustrate the practical application of the method.