Active Media Work In A Mediatised Environment
Extern: Springerlink (Deutsch)

How to Cite

Demmler, Kathrin, and Eike Rösch. 2014. “Active Media Work In A Mediatised Environment”. MediaEducation: Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 11 (Jahrbuch Medienpädagogik):191-207.



Active media work is one of the central methods of media education. With the media penetration of society and the technical developments of the so-called "social web", the central conditions of socialisation and, concomitantly, the framework conditions of active media work are changing decisively: Thus, today it is no longer a question that pedagogy has to deal with media, rather it is a question of whether this occupation perceives and uses the potentials of media or whether media per se are regarded as problematic and dangerous. If one follows the concept of active media work, the answer is clear: the goal of active media work has always been to take adolescents' interest in media seriously and to support them in using media to express their concerns and points of view.